Solutions for

Brain Health

We have developed a unique approach to cognitive assessments and interventions by incorporating immersive Virtual Reality environments with biosensors and markerless motion analysis.

By simulating real-life challenges and tasks, we can simultaneously measure numerous cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical functions.

Regain Control of Your Brain Health

Virtual Reality technologies are transforming the field of cognitive testing and rehabilitation. Immersive virtual environments create somewhat of a “digital twin” of real-life environments, allowing us to observe, collect, and analyze data in ways that aren’t possible in computerized tests. Compared to conventional methods, VR-based assessments & interventions are more efficient and accurate because they are objective and customizable, immersive and engaging, and allow for multidimensional data collection.

Nora VRx™

Immersive Virtual Reality Based Assessment Platform
providing detailed insight into specific cognitive and psychomotor functions of individuals facing neurodegenerative challenges

Packages & Assessment Domains

  • (~25 min)

    This is the core package of the NORA VRx™ assessment platform. It includes key neuropsychological domains: visual working memory, visuospatial working memory, visual attention, task switching speed, and information processing. Core-I package is currently FDA-registered.

    Since attention is the foundation for all other cognitive skills, this package is recommended for all assessments. Attention performance is considered when interpreting higher cognitive abilities. 

    This package is ideal for individuals with attention-related complaints, neurodegenerative diseases, head traumas, and psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety.tion text goes here

  • (~40 min)

    This package covers executive function (cognitive flexibility and planning), visual memory (short-term, long-term, and memory under distractions), and information processing assessments. Each domain is examined in detail. For instance, within the cognitive flexibility domain, sub-measures include finding and maintaining categories, shifting between categories, and perseveration. 

    Assessing executive functions and memory performance is recommended in neurodegenerative diseases such as Subjective Cognitive Decline, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Parkinson’s disease. 

    Due to its comprehensive assessment of various cognitive functions, this package is recommended for annual cognitive check-ups. 

  • This package measures hand-eye coordination, postural sway, motor speed, auditory long term memory, and gait. A motion analyzer is used to assess balance, and an IMU sensor evaluates gait.

    These measures are particularly useful for mobilized patients with movement disorders and motor complaints, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Nora DTx™

Immersive Virtual Reality Based Rehabilitation Program
consisting of multiple sessions, specifically geared towards cognitive training and ultimately brain health.

Packages & Intervention Domains

  • (~35 min per session)

    The BOOST Program is designed to challenge an individual’s planning, problem solving, working memory, and long-term memory abilities. 

    The program consists of 16 sessions that can be implemented biweekly for 8 weeks or weekly for 16 weeks. After the program is complete, a rest period is recommended based on success rate, and the program can be repeated as needed. 

    Research shows that cognitive interventions can enhance and maintain cognitive skills, leading to improved daily functionality.

    The BOOST program requires participants to stand and use a wide angle of vision while moving. It is suitable for individuals who can move independently. The program benefits patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and Traumatic Brain Injury. 

Assess & Train

Core Functions

Executive Functions


Active Range of Motion


While NORA VRx™ focuses on non-invasive cognitive and psychomotor assessments, NORA DTx™ complements it with targeted rehabilitation programs. These platforms seamlessly integrate cognitive, socio-emotional, physical, and metabolic factors for a comprehensive approach.

Together, these platforms offer precise insights and guidance, contributing to enhanced brain health and optimized cognitive performance.

Unlike the traditional methods of neuropsychological testing, which rely solely on 2D pen-and-paper tests or electronic devices such as mobile phones or laptops, our tools offer a more realistic and ecologically valid experience, providing a more comprehensive evaluation and scoring of cognitive abilities.

Rich Data Collection

The foundation of Neo Auvra cognitive assessments is our proprietary metric structure. This detailed framework includes the subdomains of each cognitive domain and specific details of these subdomains. VR technology enables us to measure some cognitive functions that are challenging or even impossible to measure with 2D tests. For example, planning or problem-solving abilities can be measured in detail with life-like scenarios in VR. The technology also allows us to measure different types of working memory in a shorter amount of time compared to conventional 2D assessments.

Ecological Validity

True ecological validity is attained through the use of immersive environments and the science of embodied cognition, gesture-based computing, and kinesthetics. Simulating real-world settings and situations in VR, these assessment batteries induce a sense of physical presence within a digital environment, creating an experience that results in a more natural human response.

Objectivity & Accuracy

The lack of a human assessor eradicates assessor bias, possible data manipulation, and any subjectivity that might arise from these situations. The assessment, data collection, and scoring processes are automatic, removing human error and bias as much as possible.

Our innovative method integrates and interlaces multi-dimensional functions, providing a detailed evaluation of neurological performance.

Healthy Aging is Possible

There’s a common misconception that dementia is an inevitable part of aging. Yet this is simply not true. By keeping the brain active and simulated, neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s are preventable. 

Our brain health platform is one of the leading decision-support tools for healthcare practitioners and neuropsychologists